The common adage you are what you eat is common because for the most part, it tends to be true. There is a direct correlation between diet and looks. That is not saying however that it is the only factor but it certainly helps. Here is one celebrity’s diet that has been pivotal in her goals to look younger.
When Candace Cameron Bure, who’s now 40, first appeared on television, she was only a kid. Now that she’s starring in Fuller House and co-hosting The View, anyone with eyes can see she’s managed to stay in incredible shape, despite some bumps along the way. (Candace is super open about her history with disordered eating: She suffered from bulimia in her early twenties, but now considers herself fully recovered and works to raise awareness about the condition.)
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Now the woman can easily outpace just about any twentysomething:
Influenced by her dad (a healthy eater) and Marilu Henner, actress and author of Total Health Makeover, Candace has always made nutrition a big part of her life. “I keep a fairly strict diet,” she says. “My job depends on it.”
Despite a hectic work and travel schedule-the actress bops between sets in New York and L.A. on the regular-Candace generally feels great about her body. “Like most women, I fuss about a few things I wish I could change,” she told of her figure. “[But] I am at my best weight and fitness level considering my lifestyle.”
Candace says she eats mostly vegan with the exception of egg whites, the occasional piece of fish, and situations where there are no vegan options. Instead of meats, she relies on nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains like quinoa for protein. She also avoids dairy and swears the change cured her irritable stomach issues, reduced puffiness in her face and body, and cured her chronic congestion and cough.
Here’s how the actress maintains her enviable figure-and her health.
8 A.M. Before I headed out for a 12-hour journey back to New York City from Hawaii (I was there for a friend’s wedding), I made a Shakeology protein shake with half a banana and almond milk. No workout today, but the day definitely called for coffee, so I drank a cup of it with almond milk.
12:30 P.M. Right before my flight took off, I ate an ahi poke bowl with brown rice and cabbage in coconut milk-it’s my favorite healthy lunch in Maui from a place called Coconuts. I planned ahead so I wouldn’t need to eat plane food, although I snacked on a banana and drank lots of water during the six-hour flight. When I fly, I always drink a ton of water-no alcohol-and limit my food intake, which makes me feel best when I land. Otherwise, my body reacts to salty food and alcohol by puffing up immediately.
9 P.M. (6 P.M. Hawaii time). I had a short layover in Los Angeles and ate dinner at an airport restaurant called Lemonade, where I got a kale salad with tomato, avocado, and quinoa. Back in the air, I slept all of five and a half hours, drinking only water.
7 A.M. When I landed, I headed straight to the set of The View, where I had a cup of coffee and my go-to Shakeology powder, banana, and almond milk shake.
12:30 P.M. When I work on The View, I get to order lunch from a restaurant of my choice. Today, it was a kale salad with edamame, quinoa, and veggies, dressed with lemon and olive oil from Juice Press. I almost always order a salad, just mix it up with different restaurants and ingredients-sometimes sweet potatoes and steamed vegetables.
2 P.M. Snack time! I went for a red apple.
3 P.M. I ate half of a Nugo Slim vegan protein bar to gear up for a 90-minute workout with Kira Stokes, a trainer I’ve been working with for about six months.