As society places more and more importance on aesthetic appeal, the time and cost of treatments like natural mark reduction, stretch mark remedies, and laser treatments is made more acceptable as this social trend continues. Natural treatments are regarded as some of the best methods for treating skin damage like scars and stretch marks. By taking this more natural approach you can speed up the recovery process without exposing your skin to chemicals.
The following are four highly effective natural treatment solutions for scars and stretch marks:
1. Coconut Oil Treatment
While many conventional skin care products only conceal the afflicted skin, coconut oil works alongside your body to protect and restore. Coconut oil has fatty acids that act like antioxidants by reversing and restoring skin damage. These properties make coconut oil a natural remedy, and can be safely applied to damage skin daily.
2. Vitamin E Application
As natural scar treatments go, Vitamin E is one of the best. It improves skin texture and strength by stimulating the development of collagen. While a focused Vitamin E oil formula is very effective when directly applied to scars, it should not be used on scars that have not recovered, as it can interfere with recovery.
3. Aloe Vera Utilization
Aloe as a topical application is an excellent home remedy for restoring damaged skin cells. By offering soothing moisture to the skin it battles inflammation, and maximizes corrective hormones.
4. Gotu Kola Topical Application
While not commonly employed as a treatment in the West, it has been used in Eastern medication for years. It is well reputed as a treatment for inflammation, to speed up healing, and enhance circulation. Time after time, professional studies have demonstrated Gotu Kola’s effectiveness in scar and stretch mark treatment.
Whether you want to take years off your appearance or need a relaxing get away from a stressful day, Jon ‘Ric Med Spa & Wellness Center offers state of the art Laser and spa treatments. Our medical spa has highly skilled and a professional licensed team. We take pride in offering the best results. We are dedicated t o serving the needs of our clients. Dr. Matt Jones, MD is a General Surgeon that spent 15 months studying Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at UNC-Chapel Hill. Dr. Jones has committed his practice and his career to fulfilling this niche. Visit us today at to get started on looking better, feeling better and being better.