HydraFacial has become all the rage for on-the-go women from all walks of life. This article takes a look at someone who actually underwent a treatment and talks about the results and ease of treatment that HydraFacial was able to offer her. HydraFacial offers all of the benefits of chemical exfoliation and the rejuvenation of Botox in on simple treatment that does not require down time! Truly the best of many worlds with HydraFacial!
Ever had a facial which has been rather pampering and lovely but notably dissatisfying with results?
Then you need to know about the Hollywood approved HydraFacial. We sent our Fashion and Beauty Editor to try it out…
HydraFacial Review
Having your skin cleansed and massaged for an hour is wonderfully
restorative for your soul, and sure, your skin will look plump with
product post treatment – but when it comes to getting real results for
your money sometimes you need to take a different approach.And I’m not talking botox.
Forget the hour of twinkly music and go for a twenty minute quickie at Dr. Rita Rakus’ Knightsbridge practice.
The latest facial to get the A list all excited is the HydraFacial – and
after having had it, I can safely say, it’s a little bit special.The entire HydraFacial is performed using a vacuum based skin abrasion
tip which is loaded with various serums, specially formulated to target
and combat different skin complaints.And while having a probe massage your face doesn’t feel quite as
soothing as skilled facialist’s hands, the results are remarkable.
Read More Here: http://www.sofeminine.co.uk/cosmetic-surgery/facial-treatments-hydrafacial-review-d39228.html